What are Lab Grown Diamonds?

Forever Diamonds lab grown diamonds are certified by the International Gemological Institute (IGI). The IGI gives an accurate assessment of a diamond’s cut, color, clarity and carat weight, according to strict international standards. IGI is the largest organization of its kind, operating in laboratories around the world grading jewelry, natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds and gemstones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Neither is inherently higher quality, as both lab-grown and natural diamonds are available in a range of color, cut, clarity, and carat weights.
Both lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds vary in their diamond grading. Lab-grown diamonds allow you to maximize your budget, typically offering more size for the same cost, while natural diamonds are incredible works of nature and the traditional choice.
The International Gemological Institute is the largest organization of its kind, operating in laboratories around the world grading jewelry, natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds and gemstones. lab-grown diamonds are graded to the same industry standards as natural diamonds. Your IGI certified lab-grown diamond will be accompanied with an IGI certified report detailing the 4 C's color, cut, clarity, and carat weight. Your IGI certified diamond is laser inscribed with its' own number.
Lab-grown diamonds are created in a lab using advanced technology. Lab grown and natural diamonds are composed of carbon. Lab grown diamonds are identical to natural diamonds visually and in chemical, and physical properties the main differences between them are their origin and the time they took to form.
A natural diamond has historically maintained its value. However, since lab-created diamonds are relatively new, it is unknown if they will retain their long-term value.
Unlike traditional mined diamonds that require extensive earth extraction our lab-grown diamonds are cultivated in a controlled laboratory. This innovative process significantly reduces the ecological footprint associated with diamond production.

Cuts of Diamonds

Both natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds can be cut in the same way. The physical and optical properties of natural and lab-grown diamonds are virtually identical, so they can both be cut using the same standards and techniques to achieve a desired shape and brilliance. In fact, many diamond cutters have specialized in cutting lab-grown diamonds because of the increasing popularity of this market. The only difference may be a slight variation in the hardness, which can be compensated by the use of different cutting tools. However, the price of natural and lab-grown diamonds varies significantly due to the difference in their origin, which means that natural diamonds still represent a premium product in the diamond market.

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